Monday, March 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy Birthday Mom! I have always loved that we have birthdays so close--sorry to have burdened yours 28 years ago when you were ready to give birth any second!

I love that my mom is so smart. She rules Trivial Pursuit and crossword puzzles but also works hard to stay up to date on current events. I love that she reads all of the newspaper every day (unless she had been out of town and then has to catch up!) I love that she loves to be outdoors to garden, run, hike, golf, etc... In case you didn't know, my mom is THE TJ Maxx queen! She finds the best shoes, skirts, baby clothes, and tableware on her visits there. I also love that my mom finds simple pleasures in staying up late and sleeping in.

I love that my mom has always been proud of me and helped me succeed in all my pursuits. It means so much to me that she came to every Nutcracker audition and every dance concert I performed in--even when I was in grad school and lived in Phoenix. My Mom has always been a really great listener and during my teenage years I remember countless nights coming home around midnight and heading up to her room to tell her I was home. She always asked about my night and would let me go on and on about my friends and boys and first kisses and other high school drama. I look back on those late nights fondly and hope that my little Cares will grow up feeling that safe and that loved to share her life with me, cozied up on my bed at night. I love that my mom can find the spiritual aspect of all things and is easily moved by the spirit. Her testimony is significant to me because she searched it out and found it through the missionaries--a blessing that has molded my testimony and desire to be close to the Savior. Thank you for being in my life and making my life possible! I love you mom.


Heidi said...

Those are such great descriptions of her! We love you mom!

Anonymous said...

Nice post! I agree with Heidi...your descriptions are great. And way cute picture!

Bobbi said...

Carrie, thank you for the sweet words and wishes. It was actually pretty fun to be due with you that year--I was huge, and waddled to a nice dinner out with Dad (a rarity in those surgery training days), wondering if you would be my birthday present. My OB had offered to induce me on the 26th, but I thought you might want your own special day and declined. I t was thoughtful of you to hurry and come 4 hours off of my due date, the earliest baby I had had thus far. As for the late night conversations, what fun it was for me that you would come in and dish! I loved getting to know who you liked, what crazy things you and your fun friends had been up to, etc. And watching you dance, well, I would go anywhere to see that. It has been one of the great joys of my life. Thanks for being a friend to me. I am grateful for the listening ears you girls now give to me. You help me put my concerns into perspective, and lift me with your love and your adorable babies! Thank you!